Thursday, May 21, 2009

An update...

Some people just have a way with words don't they?

I am completely hooked on The Lovely Bones so far. I have been engrossed, appalled, entrigued, horrified and inspired to consider what my heaven might look like. And I'm only halfway!

I hope the other first wives are happily turning the pages - even as I write this...

27 more reading days (and for some people a Fijian holiday) until our next book club meeting - I can't wait!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Welcome to the blog of the First Wives Book Club.

The inaugural first meeting was held last night. There was a considerable amount of non-book chatter (chatter is what we do best) followed by a first class brainstorming session about what form the First Wives Book Club will take.

A more complete post will be added to this site as soon as possible, but for now all you need to know is the first book selection. So here it is:

Title: The Lovely Bones

Author: Alice Sebold

Stay tuned...