Monday, February 22, 2010

Book #6 - The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant

Congratulations First Wives, we have our first book club read for 2010!

Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss the marital dynamics of Jacob's family. He has four wives; compare his relationship with each woman?

2. What do you make of the relationships among the four wives?

3. Dinah is rich in "mothers." Discuss the differences or similarities in her relationship with each woman.

4. Childbearing and childbirth are central to The Red Tent. How do the fertility childbearing and birthing practices differ from contemporary life? How are they similar? How do they compare with your own experiences as a mother?

5. Discuss Jacob's role as a father. Does he treat Dinah differently from his sons? Does he feel differently about her? If so, how?

6. Female relationships figure largely in The Red Tent. Discuss the importance of Inna, Tabea, Werenro, and Meryt.

7. Dinah's point of view is often one of an outsider, an observer. What effect does this have on the narrative? What effect does this have on the reader?

8. In The Red Tent, we see Dinah grow from childhood to old age. Discuss how she changes and matures. What lessons does she learn from life? If you had to pick a single word to describe the sum of her life, what word would you choose? How would Dinah describe her own life experience?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

Happy reading!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

False start

Okay, okay, it was going to be Tuesday 9th February - cancel that!!

Instead, write on your calendar in PERMANENT MARKER Tuesday 16th February.

We can do this girls!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

First Wives 2010

Wake up bookclubbers - tomorrow night is the night!!!

The first meeting of The First Wives Book Club - 8pm tomorrow night at Chez Hewett.

Be there or be in BIG trouble!!

Jen xx