Monday, June 15, 2009

One more day to go...

Only one more reading day until the First Wives Book Club meets again - hooray!

I didn't know that there was a movie of The Lovely Bones, but here are a few still images from the movie. The first image is heaven (of course!)

Susie Salmon wearing the hat that was found after her murder. She looks just like I had imagined her to look - I love it when that happens!

Jack Salmon - Susie's Dad. Woo hoo - Susie's Dad is a hottie!! (This sentiment could possibly be a a hangover from 'The Notebook" - he was such a SPUNK in that movie.)

Susie with Grandma Lynn.

Thats enough pictures now - I think I can smell a movie night coming up with the First Wives sometime soon.....

See you tomorrow night ladies!



  1. Susie's dad is Jake Gyllenhall I think. He's alright but I'll forever link him with those Brokeback images....

  2. Update - the photo is of Ryan Gosling. However there's conflict on-line with who is playing Jack Salmon. It may be that Marky Mark Wahlberg of Good Vibrations fame may have replaced Ryan who apparently left the project. Release date is 11 December apparently...

  3. I notice the time of your comments Tanya, couldn't you sleep after bookclub? Me either! We really need to open the bottle of bubbles next time in an effort to remedy the 'Post Bookclub Insomnia'. Either that or we drink decaf tea!!! x

  4. Howdy - though I was awake after book club, I posted those comments on the Wednesday morning. Something wrong with the clock on the posts me thinks. Either that or, according to the time of you're post, you're a bit of a night owl - or the Hatchlings are REALLY starting to wake up early!!!

  5. PS. I posted that at 12.27pm on Saturday 20 June...
