Thursday, May 21, 2009

An update...

Some people just have a way with words don't they?

I am completely hooked on The Lovely Bones so far. I have been engrossed, appalled, entrigued, horrified and inspired to consider what my heaven might look like. And I'm only halfway!

I hope the other first wives are happily turning the pages - even as I write this...

27 more reading days (and for some people a Fijian holiday) until our next book club meeting - I can't wait!


  1. I am also hooked on The Lovely Bones! I'm finding I want more out of it - and assume I'll get more as I keep reading, so can't put it down. The book keeps hinting at things but then doesn't seem to dig deep enough for me. Maybe it will all tie up at the end. I can explain what I mean at the next meeting...

  2. By the way, I love the counter showing how many more days to go...

  3. I reckon we need to work out a way other's can post to this blog. Then it's not all left up to you Jen...
